21.   A Zairean government spokesman said Monday the Kinshasa authorities expected direct talks between Zairean rebel leader Laurent Kabila and President Mobutu Sese Seko to take place.

22.   A Zairean rebel spokesman declared a unilateral three-week ceasefire Monday to allow for the repatriation of refugees.

23.   A Zairean rebel leader said Monday his forces had taken the last government-held port on Lake Tanganyika.

24.   A Zairean rebel official said Friday that guerrilla leader Laurent Desire Kabila is not taking part in peace talks that South Africa is trying to arrange in Cape Town.

25.   Agreement for the return operation was given Saturday by the Zairean rebels who have in the past six months seized more than a third of the sprawling country.

26.   Aid workers say that several hundred thousand Hutu refugees and displaced people are still in Zaire, cut off from all aid by a Zairean rebel uprising.

27.   Also Monday, a UN mission to probe alleged massacres in eastern Zaire was awaiting permission from Zairean rebels to travel to the region from the Rwandan capital Kigali.

28.   Belgian authorities have been more vocal accusing thousands of Rwandan soldiers of backing the Zairean rebels.

29.   But both the Zairean rebels and Rwanda, which borders Zaire, said Friday they do not want French troops on the ground.

30.   But the mass return prompted Zairean rebel leader Laurent-Desire Kabila to say there was no longer any need for sending an international force to east Zaire.

a. + rebel >>共 506
kurdish 8.13%
tamil 5.77%
ethnic 5.74%
albanian 5.65%
former 4.81%
separatist 4.44%
muslim 4.42%
leftist 4.26%
suspected 4.09%
islamic 1.98%
zairean 1.44%
zairean + n. >>共 200
government 14.77%
rebel 12.56%
troop 8.91%
army 7.54%
authority 6.64%
soldier 6.58%
capital 3.23%
border 2.81%
official 2.03%
force 1.79%
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