21.   Georgy Satarov admitted Yeltsin was in worse condition than this spring, when he was roaring around Russia on his steamroller election campaign.

22.   He also indicated the house was in much worse condition after the standoff than when his client was there.

23.   He found the wet track was in worse condition in the early morning hours.

24.   Hence, we should prepare ourselves for worse conditions before things start to get better.

25.   He said the fighting would escalate rapidly and that before long the army would have to return to Lebanon under much worse conditions.

26.   However, it said a camp for illegal Vietnamese migrants had much worse conditions than the prisons, with poor sanitation and food and cramped quarters.

27.   Neufeld called witnesses who testified that Tracy was a lovable girl who could smile and was in no worse condition than many disabled children.

28.   One month before opening day, Belle seems to be in worse condition than he was at the beginning of spring training.

29.   Sometimes ethnic hatreds crossed borders, Amnesty said, and refugees fleeing violence in one country found worse conditions in their new host.

30.   Should we presume that we are heading towards a worse condition and that the chance to stop the economic tailspin is no more than zero?

a. + condition >>共 680
critical 9.97%
serious 7.74%
stable 5.91%
good 4.43%
working 3.33%
customary 3.13%
economic 3.12%
living 2.43%
poor 1.99%
medical 1.62%
worse 0.14%
worse + n. >>共 422
time 9.91%
thing 9.51%
shape 6.78%
problem 2.59%
condition 2.46%
place 2.26%
news 2.19%
record 1.86%
still 1.73%
fate 1.66%
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