21.   In the interim, a commission of mediators has been working to bring the two sides back to the negotiating table.

22.   In recent years, Ngor has spent time and money working to bring Pot Pol and the Khmer Rouge to justice through an international tribunal.

23.   It has been sustained on government contracts and limited revenues from peripheral operations while working to bring the thin screens into commercial production.

24.   Lake Forest, Illinois-based Mercury replaced Brincat with William Brandt Jr., whose firm, Development Specialists Inc., works to bring ailing companies back to health.

25.   Many people on both sides of the border are working to bring newer, safer technologies to Mexican brick makers.

26.   Mercury Finance replaced Brincat with William Brandt Jr., whose firm, Development Specialists Inc., works to bring ailing companies back to health.

27.   More recently, Pastor traveled to villages in China, working to bring a few sparks of democracy to that vast Communist tinderbox.

28.   MINORITY-TEACHERS -- Universities are working to bring more minority teachers into the classroom.

29.   Most outsiders who are now working to bring the Nukus museum to world attention discovered it by accident.

30.   Motorola is also working to bring video to wireless telephones and hand-held devices.

v. + bring >>共 262
work 12.03%
use 8.31%
do 5.96%
forecast 4.47%
be 2.98%
walk 1.99%
can 1.61%
fight 1.61%
act 1.49%
exist 1.24%
work + v. >>共 921
improve 3.71%
get 3.15%
make 3.09%
keep 2.48%
help 2.09%
develop 1.96%
bring 1.64%
reduce 1.59%
build 1.50%
restore 1.50%
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