21.   Like many other companies, Teligent hopes to woo business customers away from phone companies with an integrated bundle of local, long-distance and data communications services.

22.   Meanwhile, competition for market share is turning fierce as companies woo customers with free air time.

23.   Small business are the big winners on the Internet since they can expand distribution, wooing new customers for relatively little money.

24.   Sponsors woo important customers via junkets and use the Olympic connection to build morale among employees,.

25.   Stores will make a bolder effort to woo customers looking for gifts, Sauerland said, by using prominent displays.

26.   That means boosting the number of channels they can offer and providing new services to woo more customers.

27.   TCI, like other cable operators around the country, is battling stepped-up efforts by satellite-TV providers such as DirecTV and Primestar Partners to woo more customers.

28.   The company has since failed to woo back customers, and has reported losses for the past five quarters.

29.   The company is a subsidiary of Brooklyn Union Gas, but part of its mandate is to woo customers away from its own parent.

30.   The issue for AOL to keep subscribers satisfied with the service as it ramps up marketing to woo new customers, analysts have said.

v. + customer >>共 723
attract 8.27%
serve 3.73%
lure 3.42%
have 2.92%
lose 2.92%
charge 2.16%
keep 1.97%
draw 1.91%
provide 1.67%
reach 1.49%
woo 0.97%
woo + n. >>共 254
voter 12.57%
investor 8.42%
customer 6.00%
support 2.88%
investment 2.65%
client 1.61%
woman 1.61%
business 1.50%
vote 1.50%
buyer 1.50%
每页显示:    共 52