21.   The administration swears we nailed a chemical weapons plant in Sudan and a terrorist camp in Afghanistan.

22.   The campaign should be aimed at strictly military targets, including weapons plants and storage facilities that can be hit without dispersing dangerous germs and gases.

23.   The Energy Department has repeatedly fined contractors for lax controls over uranium and plutonium handled at its weapons plants.

24.   The hollow plutonium ball at the core of each weapon is stored at the former weapons assembly plant.

25.   The purchase, announced in Kuala Lumpur, followed a visit by the Malaysian defense minister, Najib Razak, during which he toured weapons plants in Sao Paulo.

26.   The order was signed Thursday, the day the United States fired missiles on the camps in Afghanistan and a suspected chemical weapons plant in Sudan.

27.   The targets were a suspected chemical weapons plant in Sudan that US officials believe was financed by bin Laden, and his sprawling terrorist training center in Afghanistan.

28.   The Texas environmental agency began testing water wells on farms near the Pantex weapons plant Thursday to determine if they are contaminated.

29.   This is where Gadhafi is constructing a chemical and biological weapons plant, American and European intelligence officials have said.

30.   --U.N. special envoy Rolf Ekeus must certify that a mechanism has been set up throughout Iraq for long-term monitoring of its weapons plants.

n. + plant >>共 1068
assembly 8.92%
treatment 7.03%
water 3.61%
auto 2.89%
sewage 2.52%
car 2.49%
production 2.11%
truck 1.50%
desalination 1.24%
weapon 1.17%
weapon + n. >>共 502
inspector 17.62%
program 8.66%
inspection 5.70%
fire 4.57%
site 4.09%
charge 3.91%
possession 2.43%
sale 2.36%
ban 2.14%
team 1.90%
plant 0.94%
每页显示:    共 69