21.   Officials said Berger was told that there was evidence of several other Chinese espionage operations that were still under way inside the weapons labs.

22.   The classified computer networks at the weapons labs are not connected to the Internet, and are thus not supposed to be vulnerable to hacking by outsiders.

23.   The directors of the weapons labs had the most at stake, but perhaps the strongest trump card.

24.   The Energy Department officials stressed that the relaxation would not apply to any secret work done at the three weapons labs or other facilities.

25.   The fallout could have a profound impact on the operation of U.S. weapons labs and on U.S.-Chinese relations.

26.   The issue of security at the weapons labs is decades old.

27.   The submarine technology in the Peter Lee case was developed at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, a weapons lab in California.

28.   The tunnels were detected using techniques developed at least partly at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, the weapons lab east of San Francisco.

29.   Though China has obtained secret weapons information, he said, it is more likely it came from the military or defense contractors than from weapons labs.

30.   Weak security at weapons labs was not the only problem, the Cox report notes.

n. + lab >>共 196
computer 11.31%
research 10.30%
crime 9.38%
photo 5.20%
science 4.59%
weapon 4.08%
meth 3.87%
drug 3.77%
government 2.34%
police 2.24%
weapon + n. >>共 502
inspector 17.62%
program 8.66%
inspection 5.70%
fire 4.57%
site 4.09%
charge 3.91%
possession 2.43%
sale 2.36%
ban 2.14%
team 1.90%
lab 0.54%
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