21.   The investigation into the Anti-Terrorist Liberation Groups further weakened the government following corruption charges against several senior Socialist officials and appointees.

22.   The MQM also has called a strike every Friday and Saturday in Karachi, attempting to weaken the government of Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto.

23.   The investigation into the Anti-Terrorist Liberation Groups, or GAL, further weakened the government following corruption charges against several senior Socialist officials and appointees.

24.   The statement said the eight men were charged with anti-government activities and involvement with foreign political movements trying to weaken the government.

25.   U.S. efforts to isolate Samper have aggravated the instability by helping weaken his government against the rebels, many Colombian commentators maintain.

26.   Voters decided whether to strengthen or weaken the government of Irish Prime Minister Bertie Ahern in byelections for two parliamentary seats Wednesday.

27.   Voters decided whether to strengthen or weaken the government of Irish Prime Minister Bertie Ahern in legislative byelections for two seats Wednesday.

28.   Gonzalez was forced to rely on a Catalan party for support in parliament, and this arrangement weakened his government.

29.   He denied, however, that the resignations had weakened his government and said that on Friday he would reshuffle his cabinet.

30.   But the daily Al-Jumhuriya called on Iraqis to ignore foreign media reports that the defections had weakened the government.

v. + government >>共 708
accuse 10.94%
criticize 3.91%
overthrow 3.61%
say 2.62%
topple 2.48%
join 1.86%
support 1.60%
blame 1.59%
form 1.59%
fight 1.53%
weaken 0.23%
weaken + n. >>共 546
yen 6.08%
currency 3.70%
dollar 3.02%
demand 2.42%
position 2.38%
economy 1.70%
peso 1.62%
mark 1.62%
protection 1.62%
government 1.49%
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