21.   Frenzied fans at Reunion Arena Thursday night waved signs counting down the return of Bryan Marchment as if it were the next coming of the World Wrestling Federation.

22.   In Seattle, Mrs. Clinton was at times nearly drowned out by hundreds of angry protesters, waving signs warning of socialism.

23.   In Suwanee, Ga., a spirited crowd clogged streets, honking horns and waving signs.

24.   Instead, he was standing by Okeechobee Boulevard, watching Bush supporters wave signs at the late afternoon traffic.

25.   Other citizens, mostly supporters of George W. Bush, waved signs at passing cars.

26.   People waved signs denouncing and supporting the inclusion of abortion in a health care package.

27.   Protesters in Jersey City, N.J., supporting the Palestinians descended on Journal Square, marched in a circle and waved signs at passing traffic.

28.   Protesters waved signs.

29.   Protesters chanted and waved signs denouncing the authoritarian policies of Chinese President Jiang Zemin and Indonesian President Suharto.

30.   Several DNC members waved Gore signs as he spoke.

v. + sign >>共 481
show 50.21%
see 8.45%
find 3.62%
give 2.68%
post 2.28%
carry 1.59%
have 1.32%
detect 1.14%
hold 1.01%
wave 1.00%
wave + n. >>共 368
flag 24.24%
arm 10.83%
hand 7.44%
banner 6.43%
goodbye 5.38%
sign 3.31%
gun 2.07%
fist 1.95%
placard 1.83%
towel 1.13%
每页显示:    共 85