21.   Rivas said he left cardboard boxes and a water jug in the electric room where the hostages were held.

22.   She plucks a handful of the flowers and leaves, rinses them off and adds them to her water jug for a refreshing, herbal-scented drink.

23.   Soiled mattresses were stacked on the floor alongside shelled sunflower seeds and empty water jugs.

24.   Surveying a sea of old clothes, used water jugs and emptied cans of refried beans, he shrugged.

25.   The Mariposa Canyon area of west Nogales is strewn with hundreds of empty water jugs, dirty diapers and shoe prints of immigrants passing through the area.

26.   Their drafty barracks were so cold during the winter that water jugs froze solid.

27.   The villagers had realized that nobody congregated any longer at the village well, where they used to wait in line to fill their water jugs.

28.   Walk over to the stricken kid, carrying the water jug subtly under your arm.

29.   Water jugs, fruit peels, snack wrappers and other remnants littered the area.

30.   Water jugs, water purification tablets, Meals Ready to Eat and flashlights have been selling at a brisk pace since the beginning of the year, Emmons said.

n. + jug >>共 28
milk 36.51%
water 35.71%
five-gallon 3.17%
clay 1.59%
collection 1.59%
face 1.59%
half-gallon 1.59%
moonshine 1.59%
one-gallon 1.59%
bamboo 0.79%
water + n. >>共 642
shortage 4.19%
tank 2.72%
quality 2.36%
resource 2.30%
source 2.25%
plant 2.10%
heater 1.98%
company 1.96%
pump 1.49%
flow 1.45%
jug 0.45%
每页显示:    共 45