21.   The ballot allowed voters to register their dislike for all parties.

22.   Under the Dayton agreement, refugee voters may register where they lived before the war, where they live now, or where they would like to live.

23.   Virginia, which does not require voters to register by party affiliation, also will let any registered voter in.

24.   But voters must register at the police station in their district a year before the election, which dissuades many.

25.   The voters had registered to vote earlier this year officials said.

26.   This form allows voters to register in towns where they do not currently live.

27.   The flawed registration process saw the Serbs pack the voter register with bogus residents in key towns in order to swing the vote in their favour on the day.

n. + register >>共 484
people 4.08%
company 3.83%
group 2.41%
voter 2.25%
user 2.25%
party 1.92%
offender 1.75%
quake 1.67%
candidate 1.58%
police 1.50%
voter + v. >>共 800
be 12.12%
have 4.28%
approve 3.80%
say 3.40%
reject 3.04%
choose 2.64%
cast 2.29%
want 2.15%
decide 2.12%
go 2.03%
register 0.30%
每页显示:    共 27