21.   They said the decision was expected to be announced Monday, after it is voted upon.

22.   They said the decision is expected to be announced Monday after it is voted upon.

23.   With Congress occupied with the federal budget, it is unlikely the Fairness in Music Licensing Act will be voted upon before next year.

24.   With federal budget negotiations and Bosnia looming on the legislative horizon, however, the gambling bills will likely not be voted upon until early next year.

25.   And it is rare that a shareholder resolution they offer passes when voted upon by other stockholders.

26.   He completed a hat trick by repeating as the Pearson trophy winner, an MVP award voted upon by his fellow players.

27.   In Edinburgh, things have been quieter as the organizations which would receive funding have yet to be voted upon by the city council.

28.   Presumably if the referendums are approved, Scalfaro would probably insist on keeping parliament going so the electoral change could be voted upon.

29.   The amendment must also be voted upon in the lower Chamber of Deputies.

30.   The council planned to meet again Wednesday evening to finalize the resolution, which was to be voted upon Thursday.

v. + upon >>共 586
look 14.24%
decide 4.79%
touch 4.39%
impress 3.41%
look_down 2.53%
say 1.91%
gaze 1.82%
vote 1.55%
spit 1.24%
arrest 1.15%
vote + p. >>共 68
in 46.21%
with 11.42%
in_favor_of 7.11%
by 5.37%
down 4.21%
at 3.55%
to 3.25%
into 2.74%
as 1.86%
in_favour_of 1.43%
upon 0.69%
每页显示:    共 35