21.   In addition, several hours of debate remain on the Senate time clock before the treaty vote can take place.

22.   In Arizona, the trial online vote will take place Election Day, with an Internet voting booth set up just outside a polling place in Maricopa County.

23.   In effect, the vote took the dream of a Greater Israel out of the political mainstream and relegated it to the margins of Israeli politics.

24.   In Switzerland, legislators elect members of the coalition government, and analysts said they doubt a vote will take place before the October parliamentary elections.

25.   India has never allowed a vote to take place, and India now insists that it is a matter to be settled with Pakistan alone.

26.   No vote will take place next week, exchange officials said today, and no new date has been set.

27.   Now, Daschle says, the vote will take place in June.

28.   Parliament officials said the vote will probably take place on Thursday.

29.   Razali Ismail, the Malaysian diplomat who is president of the General Assembly this year, says he expects the vote to take place in November.

30.   Republicans agreed to let the vote take place only after Democrats promised a subsequent vote on a G.O.P. amendment.

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