21.   Companies that once believed the only thing that mattered was building market share have dropped that notion in favor of a much more American way of viewing the world.

22.   He once viewed the world in the same way, Boyd says, with unpleasant results.

23.   He still loves his job, but says that how Washington views the world, spends its time and treats people is often another matter.

24.   Hispanic and Asian American journalists have said they sometimes think their populations are forgotten by a news media that views the world in only black and white.

25.   I used it to remind me that children have a unique way of viewing the world.

26.   If the celestial world were only ever viewed from Dorchester Avenue or the North End, for example, would Copernicus and Galileo have been so curious?

27.   Instead, they elect to view the world through lenses fashioned by whites.

28.   Indeed, it is more a matrix for viewing the world than a full-blown theory.

29.   Is this really the way we want our children to view the world?

30.   It is a positive, stimulated response to the unprecedented infusion of non-Western cultures, with their alternative models for viewing the world, into the American mainstream.

v. + world >>共 828
see 5.26%
change 4.96%
travel 4.88%
save 3.30%
lead 2.65%
enter 2.29%
create 1.79%
rid 1.65%
divide 1.41%
tour 1.37%
view 1.33%
view + n. >>共 1726
world 1.25%
tape 0.93%
film 0.91%
body 0.88%
report 0.80%
move 0.78%
life 0.76%
video 0.75%
photo 0.73%
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