21.   Several aides said that although the president is not dictatorial in suggesting what she should say and how she should say it, his views usually prevail.

22.   That view was prevailing in March when Chinese leaders subjected Secretary of State Warren Christopher to a diplomatic skewering when he arrived to extract concessions on human rights.

23.   That wiser view has now prevailed.

24.   The American view prevailed.

25.   The February elections may determine which view prevails.

26.   The hipsters and I both know their view will prevail.

27.   The prevailing view of politics prevails so thoroughly, so universally, that it is not even seen as a view or a theory.

28.   The private view prevailed.

29.   Their views prevailed over the hardline, mid-level Latin American specialists at the State Department, who favored as little cooperation with Havana as possible, officials said.

30.   This critical view has not prevailed.

n. + prevail >>共 673
sky 7.93%
condition 5.94%
sunshine 3.15%
weather 3.10%
atmosphere 2.66%
head 2.48%
calm 2.48%
view 1.77%
justice 1.55%
attitude 1.15%
view + v. >>共 348
be 53.18%
change 2.80%
seem 1.91%
prevail 1.62%
have 1.42%
come 1.30%
hold 1.14%
differ 1.05%
make 0.97%
become 0.89%
每页显示:    共 40