21.   Intelligence data, which is used to track terrorists across borders, is not subject to scrutiny or cross-examination, Slaughter says.

22.   It is one that was previously used to track some marine creatures, and borrows a bit from a navigational method used by sea captains of old.

23.   Koskinen said an Amtrak computer system used to track trains went down temporarily early Saturday but that train officials switched to a manual system and then fixed the computer.

24.   Makers of applications software whose earnings are expected to rise include PeopleSoft Inc., which makes software used to track inventory and perform human-resources tasks.

25.   Modern-day weather radar did not come about until a century later during World War II, when radar was used to track airplanes.

26.   Names-reporting, Boeder pointed out, has always been successfully used to track epidemics such as syphyllis and tuberculosis -- with very few breaches of confidentiality.

27.   One pair of sub-beams is then used to track the lip on either side of the groove in which the stylus would normally ride.

28.   Privacy groups, however, asserted that the number could be used to track people surfing the Internet.

29.   Spokeswoman Sally Scarbrough said the company has volunteered to design a computerized system state health officials could use to track tuberculosis patients and store information about the disease.

30.   Technology has helped, in that software that is routinely used to track shipments also lets companies do triage on those shipments.

v. + track >>共 65
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set_up 1.74%
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devise 1.16%
call 1.16%
use + v. >>共 1194
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treat 2.74%
help 2.61%
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be 1.40%
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