21.   If you ever use the PKZIP and PKUNZIP programs to compress files, they can be used to give added security.

22.   It is rarely used to give drugs.

23.   Lichens were once used to give color and an earthy, reputedly moth-repelling aroma to Scottish Harris tweeds.

24.   Other senators said that some of the revenue raised would be used to give tax deductions to people who bought their medical insurance.

25.   Other diplomats say that they think Washington fears that inspectors could be used to give the appearance of Iraqi compliance while continuing to stonewall inspectors and hide weapons programs.

26.   Remember when all your Macintosh friends used to give their machines friendly names like Mabel, Skeezer or Rover?

27.   She said she became a Working Assets customer after running into Scher at a social gathering, which Scher promptly used to give her an impromptu sales pitch.

28.   Some of the funds could be used to give weak banks a capital infusion through the purchase of preferred shares.

29.   That money would be used to give the elderly a prescription drug benefit.

30.   The Air Force, using names given by a gay airman who was jailed for sexual assault, has expelled at least two soldiers.

v. + give >>共 551
be 12.16%
up 3.75%
say 2.89%
use 2.70%
call 2.46%
will 2.03%
combine 1.72%
work 1.47%
do 1.41%
seem 1.23%
use + v. >>共 1194
make 6.49%
treat 2.74%
help 2.61%
pay 1.94%
buy 1.44%
be 1.40%
produce 1.34%
build 1.26%
finance 1.25%
create 1.11%
give 0.24%
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