21.   Dozier said educators could use the example of the first-century religious establishment that wrongly accused Jesus.

22.   Eliot L. Spitzer, attorney general of New York, has tried to use the example of Oklahoma City as a model of how relief could be coordinated.

23.   Exxon uses these examples to buttress its contention that the sound is back to normal.

24.   He has found, for instance, that using examples from literature to provide models of open-minded behavior has not been enough.

25.   He used the example of Hong Kong to show how a currency board could help restore confidence in a financial system.

26.   He uses an example from a laundromat sign he once saw.

27.   He used two examples.

28.   He said using only examples from real discourse restricted the kind of analysis that linguists could do.

29.   He uses the example of Yankeee baseball star Wade Boggs, who goes through an elaborate ritual before every game.

30.   He used the example of a couple who missed three credit card payments in a row.

v. + example >>共 232
follow 16.64%
set 13.11%
cite 12.27%
give 10.92%
provide 5.50%
offer 5.17%
make 3.45%
use 3.28%
take 2.73%
see 2.18%
use + n. >>共 1468
money 3.08%
force 2.34%
technology 1.42%
drug 1.21%
name 1.17%
computer 1.08%
fund 1.06%
proceeds 0.84%
information 0.74%
method 0.72%
example 0.09%
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