21.   Chemotherapy and radiation treatments had his sickness almost in remission.

22.   Dr. Mark Perloe, director of the Atlanta Reproductive Health Center, said fertility treatment has to be a shared responsibility.

23.   Even if it proves equivalent, he said, the high-dose treatment would have to demonstrate superiority, because it also entails greater risks.

24.   Experts now agree that treatment has to be mixtures of drugs to fight resistant strains.

25.   Gerard added that because treatment of CF has improved survival rates, there is decreasing interest among people at risk of passing on the gene.

26.   Furthermore, the benefits of laser therapy are not always permanent, and the treatment may have to be repeated if new blood vessels start to cause trouble.

27.   He said the treatment will have to be refined and made more simple before it can be applied to large groups of patients.

28.   He pointed out that like all drugs, hormone treatments had side effects, and the risks would be more acceptable in people who have a lot to gain.

29.   Hormone treatments can sometimes have awkward side-effects, as women who take the Pill know only too well.

30.   I do know though, that if I ever leave this place, the treatment will have to go on for the rest of my life.

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treatment + v. >>共 341
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