21.   Isolated thunderstorms will occur near a developing warm front in the middle Mississippi Valley.

22.   Isolated afternoon thunderstorms will also occur over the mountains of the interior West.

23.   Isolated afternoon thunderstorms will occur near the Gulf and Atlantic coasts and also over the Appalachians.

24.   Isolated thunderstorms will also occur.

25.   Meanwhile, a few thunderstorms will occur near the Ohio River as humidity increases.

26.   Scattered thunderstorms will occur, especially during the afternoon.

27.   Scattered afternoon thunderstorms will also occur farther west along the Gulf Coast.

28.   Scattered afternoon thunderstorms will also occur in the Southwest.

29.   Some strong thunderstorms will occur from northeastern Texas to northern Alabama.

30.   Some strong thunderstorms will occur from northern Florida to South Carolina.

n. + occur >>共 919
incident 6.74%
accident 6.06%
attack 4.78%
explosion 4.08%
blast 2.84%
death 2.35%
shooting 2.24%
problem 1.82%
crash 1.75%
injury 1.56%
thunderstorm 0.27%
thunderstorm + v. >>共 201
erupt 20.28%
be 14.83%
develop 14.29%
form 9.50%
occur 2.60%
produce 2.06%
move 1.45%
rumble 1.21%
sweep 1.21%
accompany 0.91%
每页显示:    共 43