21.   With the strong yen making American parts far more competitive than ever, boosting the use of imported parts could threaten the existence of some Japanese suppliers.

22.   But during the fasting month dangerous germs find it tough going and their existence is threatened.

23.   Conservationists are warning that dam projects along the Mekong River to supply electricity to the region are threatening the existence of the giant catfish.

24.   Furthermore, the use of such technology in the industrial sector threatens the existence of local traditional industries.

25.   It believes that practice drains limited advertising revenues and threatens their existence.

26.   Its continued existence is threatened by damp.

27.   Massive deforestation and hunters threaten the existence of the remaining birds in the wild, said Dennis Salvador, executive director of the Philippine Eagle Foundation.

28.   Prosecutors contended the immigration probe threatened the existence of the commune and provided the motive to kill Turner.

29.   Their existence is threatened by loss of habitat, poaching and a low rate of reproduction.

30.   With the local situation gradually deteriorating, many medium and smaller construction firms will find their very existence severely threatened.

v. + existence >>共 201
deny 19.36%
confirm 8.58%
acknowledge 7.07%
prove 3.71%
owe 3.36%
threaten 3.27%
reveal 3.18%
justify 3.18%
doubt 1.77%
disclose 1.77%
threaten + n. >>共 1339
action 5.20%
sanction 3.29%
life 2.90%
security 2.82%
stability 2.18%
retaliation 2.07%
strike 2.04%
attack 1.94%
veto 1.46%
violence 1.40%
existence 0.48%
每页显示:    共 37