21.   Mining experts said such a threat could have severe repercussions in Zimbabwe, which depends heavily on mining revenues.

22.   The new threat has its caretakers feeling helpless and bitter.

23.   The threat of hooligans has yet to materialize.

24.   To require an orange alert, the threats would have had to include a specific time and date and have corroborated and credible, a U.S. official said.

25.   To require an orange alert, the threats would have had to include a specific time and date and have corroborated and credible, the official said.

26.   As of midday Wednesday Nugroho said the threat had yet to be carried out even though the IIX bandwidth had been reduced.

27.   The threat has the backing of the UN special envoy to former Yugoslavia Yasushi Akashi, UN officials said.

28.   The sectarian threat has increased problems for Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto who already faces an opposition campaign targetting lawlessness, inflation and rampant corruption.

29.   It was unclear what impact the military threat to open fire might have on protesters.

30.   Owen said this threat had to be taken seriously as it could compromise the UN mandate in Bosnia-Hercegovina.

n. + have >>共 1318
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people 1.78%
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threat 0.02%
threat + v. >>共 353
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