21.   Over his long career, he hammered thousands upon thousands of iron bars into artistic shapes to adorn buildings throughout the United States.

22.   Photographers praised collective farming long after Stalin engineered a famine to kill off thousands upon thousands of farmers who resisted collectivization.

23.   That would give us something to look at, employ thousands upon thousands, while keeping the car-racing set happy as clams.

24.   The plant louse phylloxera began to make its way across the wine regions of western Europe, decimating thousands upon thousands of acres of vineyards.

25.   The push and shove of thousands upon thousands of Rolling Stones devotees.

26.   There are dozens of types of cancers, thousands of herbs and thousands upon thousands of herbal combinations.

27.   There have been thousands upon thousands upon thousands of documents gathered, only a small portion of which became evidence in this case.

28.   There thousands upon thousands of sharks are pulverized and readied for pill form.

29.   There are thousands upon thousands of homeless people who never get a sentence in a newspaper or a mention on the nightly news.

30.   Thousands upon thousands of dollars were riding upon the performances of the mighty and the obscure players who had been selected in the Rotisserie Leagues on this continent.

n. + upon >>共 1116
thousand 2.12%
row 2.00%
layer 1.48%
intent 1.32%
attack 1.28%
million 1.24%
comment 1.12%
impact 1.04%
reliance 0.84%
call 0.64%
thousand + p. >>共 28
of 97.90%
in 0.57%
to 0.22%
from 0.19%
upon 0.14%
on 0.13%
at 0.09%
without 0.07%
like 0.07%
out_of 0.06%
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