21.   These two factors let him ride through the inevitable ups and downs of small stocks by keeping him focused on the long term.

22.   These two factors may become the ammunition that Republicans have been seeking.

23.   Your playoff ranking and each of these other factors would be based on your regular-season record.

24.   Dr Browne emphasised that these seven factors were more important than the effect of film violence.

25.   Even when these two factors were taken into consideration, sperm counts seem to have fallen, the researchers said.

26.   If these two factors go along well with each other, it will help the nation.

27.   These two factors are what are killing Thai companies now.

28.   These three factors were considered under two assumptions.

29.   These two factors, analysts say, could fuel inflationary expectations and spark labor unrest and wage increases.

30.   Together these two factors caused a slump in industrial production and industry began dismissing workers in record numbers.

a. + factor >>共 825
major 7.64%
important 6.72%
key 6.17%
big 2.75%
technical 2.67%
contributing 2.45%
main 2.18%
deciding 2.13%
environmental 1.88%
seasonal 1.80%
this 0.42%
this + n. >>共 920
team 4.45%
man 3.61%
country 2.46%
guy 2.07%
game 1.86%
company 1.61%
group 1.30%
people 1.16%
factor 1.16%
time 1.05%
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