21.   California is starting to equip test cars with transponders as part of a yearlong demonstration program.

22.   DaimlerChrysler and BP, among others, intend to put dozens of test cars and buses on the roads of California in coming months.

23.   Despite the more powerful engines, the test cars were not as brisk as I had expected, nor as fast as most rivals.

24.   Doors and trim fitted nicely on the pearl red metallic test car, which felt solid and handled smoothly.

25.   Everyone who looked over the test cars immediately recognized them as Saturns, because they share so many styling features with the smaller cars.

26.   Fit and finish on the test car was excellent throughout.

27.   Gould arranged to send a broom to me by way of a test car being delivered.

28.   Heightening the attraction was the Vivid Yellow paint on my test car.

29.   I appreciated this most when I saw a previous-generation car parked near my millennium-jade test car.

30.   I was in no hurry to go anywhere when I had the test car, but if I had been, it would have zoomed there in nothing flat.

n. + car >>共 630
police 21.78%
luxury 9.06%
rental 7.17%
passenger 6.31%
race 5.85%
getaway 3.49%
subway 2.88%
train 2.32%
test 1.72%
railroad 1.58%
test + n. >>共 744
result 16.60%
score 11.72%
site 4.88%
drive 2.80%
flight 2.75%
series 2.11%
car 1.65%
explosion 1.63%
run 1.59%
program 1.35%
每页显示:    共 109