21.   Meanwhile, former Khmer leaders shop and tend their gardens.

22.   People are always mowing their lawns, weeding flower beds, tending vegetable gardens.

23.   She runs a booming practice, takes off to places like Peru, and tends gardens in Fort Worth and Santa Fe.

24.   She tends the garden raising Tulasi plants, a sacred plant from India used medicinally and spiritually.

25.   That summer had been so hot that by August his mother tended her garden in the mornings.

26.   That summer had been so hot that by August, his mother tended her garden in the early mornings.

27.   The garden was tended by his companion of many years, Martin Hensler, who died last year.

28.   The others, like Khieu Samphan, live freely, keeping their heads down, tending their gardens and helping their grandchildren with homework.

29.   They took samples of dirt from the backyard where Stevens tended a garden to test for bacterial spores which can persist in soil for years.

30.   They watched as Kaczynski sometimes emerged to tend his garden and retrieve provisions from his root cellar.

v. + garden >>共 309
tend 6.04%
have 5.40%
plant 4.98%
design 3.50%
create 3.18%
overlook 2.86%
visit 2.44%
weed 1.91%
water 1.91%
start 1.59%
tend + n. >>共 173
garden 13.07%
field 5.05%
cattle 3.21%
crop 2.75%
flock 2.52%
livestock 2.29%
child 2.06%
sheep 2.06%
animal 1.83%
bar 1.83%
每页显示:    共 57