21.   IBM Corp. plans to serve as a technology consultant and create a communication system linking the various entities in the project.

22.   In fact, Wal-Mart.com has turned to Sapient Corp., a technology consultant in Cambridge.

23.   It means shelving books in the school library, making curtains for classrooms and even acting as technology consultants.

24.   Like other technology consultants, Cap Gemini has fallen on hard times.

25.   Michael Poon, the senior technology consultant for systems integration at Digital, said that he did not feel the Internet was quite ready for real electronic commerce.

26.   On the new organization chart, IBM information technology consultants no longer reported directly to Howe but to the general managers of the individual industry groups.

27.   Portia Erickson, a management and technology consultant, said the truth may involve all of the above.

28.   Realrates.com, for example, keeps a running survey of pay for information technology consultants at its Web site, www.realrates.com.

29.   Refusing to give up hope, some venture capitalists want advice from technology consultants like Viant Corp. on how to salvage dot-coms with dented business models.

30.   Technology consultant who like the idea of taking a course or two between jobs.

n. + consultant >>共 407
management 9.65%
computer 6.85%
business 5.60%
industry 4.78%
campaign 4.58%
medium 4.49%
security 2.94%
technology 2.08%
image 1.88%
jury 1.69%
technology + n. >>共 416
stock 22.90%
company 13.11%
issue 6.77%
share 5.98%
sector 5.50%
transfer 2.15%
industry 2.07%
firm 1.60%
officer 1.11%
business 1.07%
consultant 0.42%
每页显示:    共 43