21.   Cooley chose not to run for reelection, and tarnished his reputation further last week during a Capitol Hill confrontation with Sierra Club members.

22.   Dana-Farber Cancer Institute has installed dozens of new procedures and policies designed to safeguard against the kind of chemotherapy overdoses that tarnished its reputation this year.

23.   Dealing with some of these controversial issues could tarnish his reputation before any new referendum battles.

24.   Critics have also sought to tie Mrs. Gandhi to corruption scandals that tarnished the reputation of her family and particularly her husband.

25.   Dole has already tarnished his reputation as a fiscal conservative by backing a huge tax cut that the federal budget cannot absorb.

26.   Even the ones that may have tarnished his reputation.

27.   Failure to do so would set a poor precedent and tarnish his reputation for environmental stewardship.

28.   Frankly, I think the manner of his leaving office, and particularly granting these very ill-advised pardons, has badly tarnished his reputation.

29.   Furthermore, their struggling economies tarnished their reputations among home buyers.

30.   He first became interested in running for office, he says, when Richard Nixon disappointed him by tarnishing the reputation of the CIA.

v. + reputation >>共 352
have 33.37%
earn 7.30%
build 5.70%
develop 5.34%
gain 5.26%
make 2.73%
tarnish 2.30%
damage 2.27%
establish 2.00%
acquire 1.36%
tarnish + n. >>共 138
image 27.39%
reputation 22.82%
allure 2.90%
name 1.87%
credibility 1.87%
career 1.66%
game 1.66%
record 1.45%
party 1.24%
legacy 1.24%
每页显示:    共 109