21.   Araskog said the talks began a few weeks ago after Sternlicht showed interest in a transaction.

22.   Araskog said the talks began a few weeks ago after Sternlicht showed an interest in a transaction.

23.   Arafat and his aides have insisted that the troop withdrawals go forward before any kind of final-status talks begin.

24.   As for the Israeli occupation of Orient House in eastern Jerusalem, he suggested that it did not necessarily have to end before talks could begin.

25.   As Israel previously discovered with Egypt, the Palestinians and Jordan, once serious peace talks begin they can develop their own momentum.

26.   As she left the meeting, New Mexico Attorney General Patricia Madrid said the talks would begin Tuesday.

27.   As the peace talks were beginning inside the gate, the Bluffton group held a silent prayer vigil.

28.   As talks began, Ali grew angry.

29.   Before the current round of mediated settlement talks began five weeks ago, the government agreed not to seek a breakup of the company.

30.   Before the talks began, Western diplomats had warned that the Geneva negotiations could again fail, setting the stage for a new crisis.

n. + begin >>共 1326
company 1.92%
talk 1.47%
season 1.44%
trial 1.32%
government 1.26%
official 1.15%
people 1.01%
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work 0.90%
game 0.72%
talk + v. >>共 359
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resume 6.22%
begin 5.54%
continue 5.02%
take 3.00%
fail 2.86%
break_down 2.74%
go 2.66%
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