21.   The store, which opened Monday, takes the task of creating a fashion fun house for customers seriously.

22.   The steady and pronounced progress of technology has kept taking tasks from human beings and giving them to machines, undermining the bedrock notion of mass employment.

23.   They caution well-meaning friends and relatives against doing too much for older people since taking over tasks that the elderly can do for themselves is belittling.

24.   This is not taking into account the Gandalf digital double, who took on tasks in the Mines of Moria that mere humans could not expect to survive.

25.   What is certain, however, is that the Army takes its task of mining the minority enlisted ranks for officer material very seriously.

26.   When Mercedes-Benz decided to get into the sport-utility market, the German luxury automaker took the task seriously.

27.   Parliament passed a bill Monday creating a new agency to inspect and supervise Japanese financial institutions, taking this task away from the powerful Finance Ministry.

28.   But the main question is whether British police and Spanish judges should take over the tasks of the Chilean state.

29.   Commanders on the ground would decide what tasks they could take on without compromising their military mission, Bacon said.

30.   The former monarch urged the delegates, who have travelled to Kabul from across Afghanistan and beyond, to take their task extremely seriously.

v. + task >>共 297
perform 13.94%
complete 8.22%
have 5.48%
accomplish 4.96%
do 4.77%
face 4.11%
handle 3.92%
complicate 3.21%
begin 2.60%
finish 2.36%
take 1.42%
take + n. >>共 753
place 12.16%
part 5.04%
action 3.23%
advantage 2.92%
time 2.33%
control 1.68%
effect 1.66%
office 1.51%
step 1.35%
lead 1.11%
task 0.02%
每页显示:    共 30