21.   Incensed by the attack on their ancient leader, religious groups immediately tabled a motion of censure against the government.

22.   Instead, the unionist delegates tabled a motion for further discussion on the person and role of the chair.

23.   A NDP source said Chand tabled the motion for Wednesday after a request from the speaker of parliament.

24.   A no-action motion, whose purpose is to stop a resolution being put to vote, comes into play only after such a motion has been tabled.

25.   Berlusconi also said he would table a motion of no confidence against the Dini administration.

26.   Failing that a full-blooded censure motion would be tabled.

27.   Fifty-three Labour opposition MPs tabled a motion in the House of Commons Wednesday to block the US execution of a British-American murderer scheduled for Thursday.

28.   The opposition Fine Gael party has tabled a motion of no confidence.

29.   The three-week government headed by Mana Mohan Adhikari got a unanimous mandate after it tabled a motion of confidence Thursday morning.

30.   Later in the day opposition Alliance Party leader Jim Anderton tabled a motion of no confidence in the government.

v. + motion >>共 306
file 21.23%
reject 5.13%
deny 4.40%
pass 3.84%
support 3.62%
make 3.54%
submit 2.29%
grant 1.98%
approve 1.94%
debate 1.86%
table 1.60%
table + n. >>共 65
motion 14.92%
amendment 8.87%
bill 8.87%
proposal 8.06%
resolution 4.84%
issue 4.44%
plan 4.44%
question 4.03%
measure 3.23%
report 3.23%
每页显示:    共 37