21.   In September, President Carlos Menem and Prime Minister John Major signed an memo of understanding on joint exploration for oil in the waters surrounding the islands.

22.   Isolated showers were detected over the coastal waters surrounding the islands.

23.   It is focusing on anti-submarine warfare and controling the skies and seas surrounding the island, military observers said.

24.   Local environmentalists say oil has surrounded two islands that are home to seals and thousands of seabirds.

25.   Marine police boats surrounded the island after receiving a call for assistance from the drug center.

26.   Since then they have signed oil and fishing agreements in the waters surrounding the islands.

27.   Seven motor boats surrounded the island and soldiers combed the swampy land until the suspects were caught trying to hitch a ride with passing fishing boats.

28.   The ball clanged hard off the wooden railroad ties that surround the island green.

29.   The dispute revolves around waters surrounding two islands in the Gulf of Riga that are rich in fish.

30.   The islands are surrounded by rich fishing waters.

v. + island >>共 425
visit 6.28%
leave 5.26%
claim 5.18%
invade 2.57%
reach 2.34%
regard 2.08%
seize 1.89%
surround 1.63%
use 1.63%
hit 1.63%
surround + n. >>共 1407
house 3.71%
building 3.41%
area 2.29%
village 2.06%
city 1.98%
death 1.62%
case 1.60%
home 1.46%
town 1.44%
camp 1.14%
island 0.78%
每页显示:    共 43