21.   Different doctors use different surgical techniques, and there have been no major, comparative studies to determine which work best.

22.   Dramatic advances have occurred in surgical techniques in recent years that enable neurosurgeons to remove tumors that were previously considered inoperable or that could not be completely removed.

23.   For a few very sick heart patients, a new surgical technique using lasers may offer a chance of survival.

24.   Freed, who is continuing to improve his surgical technique, tells patients that the longer they can put off surgery, the better.

25.   Genzyme is also working on liquid and gel forms of the device for use with other surgical techniques, including minimally invasive surgery.

26.   Genzyme is also working on liquid and gel forms of Seprafilm for use with other surgical techniques, including minimally invasive surgery.

27.   Genzyme is also working on liquid and gel forms of the devise for use with other surgical techniques, including minimally invasive surgery.

28.   He introduced new surgical techniques and ways to treat urologic cancers by combining surgery with radiotherapy or chemotherapy.

29.   Heartport hopes to develop minimally invasive surgical techniques for various types of heart disease, the leading cause of death in the United States.

30.   In other words, in a medical era geared toward discovering less intrusive surgical techniques, maternal-fetal surgery for spina bifida became more invasive.

a. + technique >>共 1362
new 9.74%
same 2.40%
different 1.78%
similar 1.39%
modern 1.35%
basic 1.33%
surgical 1.15%
cooking 1.03%
proper 1.03%
marketing 1.01%
surgical + n. >>共 296
procedure 12.28%
mask 9.38%
team 4.81%
instrument 4.40%
abortion 4.05%
glove 4.00%
technique 3.30%
removal 2.26%
patient 1.80%
precision 1.74%
每页显示:    共 57