21.   In six weeks, surgeons will remove her breast.

22.   It was difficult to see into the convoluted network of sinuses, so surgeons would remove tissue even before they identified it as diseased, Catalano said.

23.   Late in the operation, after surgeons had removed his liver, they found the cancer had spread to a bile duct, DeMarco said.

24.   Mastrianni said progress is being made in reducing the incidence and severity of lymphedema because surgeons typically remove fewer lymph nodes than they used to.

25.   Meanwhile, other surgeons removed a vein from his leg known as the saphenous.

26.   Meanwhile, other surgeons removed a vein known as the saphenous from his leg.

27.   Mrs. Ayyappan was transferred to New York Hospital-Cornell Medical Center, where another surgeon removed the tumor.

28.   Once the device was in place, the surgeons removed any air pockets to prevent their escape into the blood to cause damage elsewhere in the body.

29.   She said surgeons removed the tumors but they grew back and required laser treatment.

30.   She displayed photographs of her disintegrated breast implant and fatty breast tissue that surgeons removed from her.

n. + remove >>共 923
doctor 5.86%
police 5.66%
government 2.67%
worker 2.67%
surgeon 2.50%
official 2.07%
authority 1.71%
company 1.41%
surgery 1.41%
bill 1.02%
surgeon + v. >>共 367
say 8.69%
be 7.21%
remove 5.90%
operate 3.88%
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have 3.49%
perform 2.48%
tell 1.63%
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