21.   Once the war began, dissent was suppressed.

22.   Opponents of MFN said the U.S. should reject it to punish China for suppressing dissent, erecting trade barriers and selling weapons.

23.   Political and ethnic dissent were systematically suppressed in the name of unity.

24.   Quinn-Judge surveys the manner in which security police try, with decreasing success, to suppress dissent.

25.   She said the inquiry into his newspaper article followed standard practice, and was not intended to suppress dissent.

26.   Still, students acknowledge their limitations within a system that has suppressed dissent by arresting opponents and placating the masses with rising living standards.

27.   The Aliyev government keeps its oil dealings secret and suppresses all dissent.

28.   The General Assembly last week accused the government of condoning the use of rape, torture, mass arrests, forced labor and summary executions to suppress dissent.

29.   To those controls he combines an aggressive state security apparatus to lock down political opposition and suppress dissent.

30.   U.S. military officials would prefer to strike out as well at the organizations and functions that keep Saddam in power and suppress dissent.

v. + dissent >>共 149
suppress 13.64%
stifle 9.43%
tolerate 8.13%
crush 5.95%
write 4.35%
silence 2.61%
join 2.61%
brook 2.47%
face 2.18%
express 2.03%
suppress + n. >>共 440
dissent 6.40%
evidence 5.52%
freedom 2.04%
information 1.98%
opposition 1.98%
demonstration 1.57%
appetite 1.57%
virus 1.36%
growth 1.29%
activity 1.29%
每页显示:    共 93