21.   The suit charged that Burlington executives knew that stock price was inflated.

22.   The suit charged that Chen was dismissed because of her sex and ethnicity.

23.   The suit charged that doctors did not perform standard treatment for chest injuries and ambulance crews delayed in transferring Morena to a suitable hospital.

24.   The suit charged that Merrill and other firms mislead investors about the financial health of the county and its investment pool.

25.   The suit charged that Seagal had backed out of four films under the pacifist advice of a spiritual adviser.

26.   The suit charged that the arrest was a violation of the Fourth Amendment.

27.   The suit charged them with a conspiracy to misrepresent the value of Dart family assets during the reorganization.

28.   The suit charges that they concealed knowledge that nicotine was addictive, and that they manipulated the levels of nicotine in cigarettes to keep customers addicted.

29.   The suit charges Vuckovic with genocide and other crimes against humanity.

30.   The suit does not charge Physicians Health Services with denying prescription drugs to clients, a charge Blumenthal brought against the company in a previous lawsuit.

n. + charge >>共 817
critic 7.31%
police 6.98%
prosecutor 6.93%
company 3.76%
bank 3.27%
official 2.96%
group 2.91%
government 2.82%
authority 2.78%
indictment 2.11%
suit 1.49%
suit + v. >>共 364
be 19.18%
say 8.15%
seek 7.11%
allege 6.98%
claim 3.56%
have 3.39%
contend 3.33%
accuse 3.03%
pend 2.80%
name 2.77%
charge 2.67%
每页显示:    共 82