21.   Another suicide bomber blew herself up just outside Jerusalem on Wednesday night, injuring three border policemen.

22.   Another suicide bomber.

23.   Another woman likes to prepare for the Jewish Sabbath by shopping on Friday at Mahane Yehuda, a central Jerusalem market that has had its share of suicide bombers.

24.   Another spokesman said soldiers had discovered a bomb-making laboratory nearby with two belts, fully loaded, used by suicide bombers.

25.   Another suicide bomber from the same group killed three civilians Wednesday in a Jerusalem shopping district, prompting Israel to delay for a day delicate truce negotiations.

26.   Armed sentries dot the cityscape, on the lookout for suicide bombers.

27.   As a result, suicide bombers have been thwarted in Tulkarem, Hebron, Qalqilya, and Gush Katif in the past several days, she said.

28.   Around the square, as in much of Ramallah, posters are plastered on every wall praising suicide bombers as heroes and martyrs.

29.   Apart from the Hamas communique, there was little immediate information on the suicide bombers, and the police have yet to identify the bombers from the July attack.

30.   As the bloodbath worsened last week, with tanks pitted against suicide bombers, Adnan rubbed her forehead hard.

n. + bomber >>共 71
suicide 86.54%
fighter 2.17%
woman 1.27%
stealth 1.27%
rebel 1.27%
car 0.68%
dive 0.63%
water 0.50%
shoe 0.50%
bus 0.32%
suicide + n. >>共 246
bomber 29.36%
bombing 24.15%
attack 17.69%
note 4.78%
attempt 4.73%
mission 1.95%
rate 1.60%
bomb 0.97%
attacker 0.89%
hijacking 0.69%
每页显示:    共 1899