21.   Furthermore, patency studies provide inconsistent evidence of efficacy, and no trial has shown a benefit of intravenous heparin over aspirin in adequate doses.

22.   These studies may provide some insight into the roles of overwrapping, overheating, and infections in SIDS.

23.   Taken together, these studies provide numerous practical indications for the management of schizophrenia.

24.   Both studies provide a necessary background to understanding some of the problems now faced by government.

25.   An earlier study provided hints that tamoxifen could prevent as well as treat cancer.

26.   And several studies provide evidence that zero-tolerance laws have been effective in cutting down on those deaths.

27.   Barry Commoner, the director of the center at Queens College, said the studies provided essential information about what makes recycling work.

28.   Board officials say the study provides the most comprehensive look ever at the psychological impact of a major disaster on American schoolchildren.

29.   A new study provides the Clinton administration with ammunition against the latest Republican proposal to slow the growth of Medicaid.

30.   A new U.N. study released Thursday provided the vice president with fresh ammunition.

n. + provide >>共 1658
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bill 1.32%
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system 1.03%
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study + v. >>共 367
show 17.40%
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provide 0.97%
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