21.   One more proof that criminalisation of student politics shows no abatement is the spillover effect on other organs of our society.

22.   Removing this affliction is rendered difficult since student politics has roots that lie deep in our political culture.

23.   Some others, in their student days, were enthusiastic participants in student politics and demonstrations.

24.   She has now realised that a ban on student politics is in the interest of peace, students, campus and the country.

25.   Student politics have had a checkered history during the New Order era.

26.   Terrorism in the name of student politics has also taken a turn for the worse there causing damage to property and injury to scores of innocent people.

27.   The only one in his family with a more than a basic education, he went into student politics in college in Patna.

28.   The younger Beazley cut his teeth in student politics and a range of positions in the Western Australian state Labor Party.

29.   Bangladesh President Shahabuddin Ahmed was under fire from student activists Tuesday who rejected his proposal for a moratorium on student politics to curb campus violence.

30.   The sources said since the announcement of the decision to dissolve the DUCSU, tension had mounted and recent troubles were linked to student politics.

n. + politics >>共 352
election-year 5.62%
office 5.30%
world 4.75%
money 4.28%
coalition 2.85%
city 2.85%
student 2.45%
identity 2.06%
abortion 1.74%
election 1.66%
student + n. >>共 1027
leader 6.41%
protest 5.51%
body 4.69%
group 4.56%
protester 3.54%
demonstration 3.01%
activist 2.84%
visa 2.17%
performance 1.92%
achievement 1.86%
politics 0.44%
每页显示:    共 31