21.   And test scores are one of the areas in which district students do poorly.

22.   And we just basically, like all college students do, forged a friendship.

23.   And, they add, success on the standardized Regents exam does not measure the sophisticated work honors students should be doing.

24.   As a result, students must do more research on their own, Hutchings said.

25.   As more colleges and universities wire their dorm rooms for direct Internet access, questions are arising about whether they should control what their students do on line.

26.   As competition increases, students must now do more.

27.   Aside from one incident at Trisakti University, authorities have generally allowed students to do as they pleased as long as they remained on campus.

28.   At most of the programs, students do the teaching, requiring them to spend time planning their courses, writing syllabuses, and preparing lectures.

29.   Atta and Shehhi spent far more time in the computer room than other students did, she said, going on the Internet and sending e-mail.

30.   Because commuting puts her on campus for the entire day, she sees other assistants and her faculty more than many students do.

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student + v. >>共 919
be 10.57%
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