21.   Kodak has stubbed its toe in electronic data processing before.

22.   Leo Kirch, who dominates commercial television programming in Germany in a way that media moguls elsewhere can only envy, has stubbed his toe badly on digital television.

23.   Or, shall we say, stubbed their toes?

24.   She finally showed up with a limp, a result, she said, of stubbing her toe and breaking it.

25.   Some horses will jump up and run the big race of their life, and it might be good enough if either one of us stubs our toe.

26.   The other is that it is hardly the first time he has stubbed his toe in labor negotiations, where his hardball positions are often criticized as counterproductive.

27.   Then they stubbed their toe.

28.   There are black slimy things lurking unseen beneath the surface, black bacteria eager to enter unwitting mouths, black stumps waiting to stub unknowing toes.

29.   They had made a habit of coming to the Metrodome in each of the last five years and stubbing their toe on the turf.

30.   We called him if we stubbed our toe.

v. + toe >>共 145
dip 9.32%
stub 7.03%
break 6.84%
wiggle 5.13%
have 3.80%
touch 3.80%
lose 3.42%
tap 2.85%
injure 2.85%
stick 2.66%
stub + n. >>共 6
toe 82.22%
chip 8.89%
admission 2.22%
cigarette 2.22%
kick 2.22%
mind 2.22%
每页显示:    共 37