21.   Nonetheless, runners will need to drink fluids regularly, given that a quart of water an hour can be lost through sweat during strenuous exercise.

22.   Secondary amenorrhea, the ceasing of monthly menstrual periods in women of reproductive age, can be caused by strenuous exercise, weight loss or anorexia nervosa.

23.   Several of the boys described how staffers forced an exhausted, complaining Contreraz to continue strenuous physical exercise.

24.   She also needed asthma medication for several years following her illness, but her lung capacity has improved, though strenuous aerobic exercise may remain forever beyond her capability.

25.   Swatting an undersized basketball with his right hand or jumping on a minature trampoline also are strenuous exercises for him.

26.   The cups can be kept in during strenuous exercise.

27.   The same is true of strenuous exercise in the evening hours.

28.   There is little scientific evidence regarding the benefits or harm of strenuous exercise for those who have contracted AIDS, experts said.

29.   There is no wisdom, once having begun, in losing the momentum of strenuous exercise.

30.   While strenuous exercise is not recommended during an attack of acute back pain, prolonged rest and inactivity will actually delay, not enhance, recovery.

a. + exercise >>共 1186
military 19.04%
joint 7.92%
training 6.99%
regular 2.64%
naval 2.58%
aerobic 1.40%
physical 1.26%
chinese 1.00%
similar 0.99%
first 0.97%
strenuous 0.64%
strenuous + n. >>共 146
effort 12.59%
exercise 10.37%
activity 9.38%
objection 6.42%
workout 4.44%
opposition 2.72%
job 2.22%
hike 2.22%
work 1.73%
climb 1.23%
每页显示:    共 42