21.   Some facilities store radioactive waste in less-secure areas.

22.   Still, Taiwan has been unable to find anywhere in its own limited territory to store the waste permanently.

23.   The complex is so desperate it would like to make money storing nuclear waste.

24.   The Energy Department hopes to begin storing that waste there by the end of this year.

25.   The House has already approved the compact, which does not specify a site for storing the waste.

26.   The plant treats used fuel, recovering uranium and plutonium that can be re-used, and making the waste easier to store.

27.   The problem is, the storage pools are filling up and critics are loath to expand nuclear power with no clear idea where to store the waste.

28.   The South Carolina plant is one of two main sites at which the government is storing wastes from nuclear weapons.

29.   The rest goes for managing the facilities, storing waste, and complying with seemingly endless federal, state and local laws.

30.   The Senate votes Tuesday morning whether to store high-level nuclear waste at an interim site near Yucca Mountain.

v. + waste >>共 262
dump 7.27%
store 4.91%
lay 4.71%
reduce 4.01%
carry 3.81%
ship 3.32%
transport 2.91%
handle 2.49%
remove 2.15%
send 2.08%
store + n. >>共 614
datum 6.61%
information 6.61%
waste 3.17%
water 2.90%
weapon 2.37%
amount 1.74%
food 1.61%
file 1.56%
energy 1.52%
material 1.52%
每页显示:    共 71