21.   He was sitting at his desk on the second morning when Nikos stuck his head through the door.

22.   A uniformed officer stuck his head round the door,

23.   As there was no windscreen left I stuck my head in but there was nothing to see, not even blood, thank goodness.

24.   This time, though, Chinless Wonder stuck his head out of the van and said something to the rider before he went.

25.   Cornelius stuck his head out of the window of the first-class sleeping compartment and breathed in Scotland.

26.   Cornelius glanced over his shoulder and then stuck his head out of the window and squinted into the distance.

27.   I mean if you can come up with the witnesses that are prepared to stick their head in the noose and say that.

28.   It was a quarter to eight when she stuck her head into the kitchen to have a quick word with Nettie before dinner.

29.   Groaning, Lindsey reached for her robe, padded to the bathroom and stuck her head under the cold shower.

30.   She was busy taking off a back-slab and replastering a fracture when Jack appeared, sticking his head round the door and grinning.

v. + head >>共 477
shake 25.44%
turn 4.17%
bow 3.51%
scratch 2.67%
hit 2.21%
nod 2.16%
shave 2.16%
cover 2.03%
hang 1.51%
keep 1.48%
stick 1.12%
stick + n. >>共 660
head 8.43%
finger 3.70%
hand 2.79%
nose 2.49%
foot 1.70%
needle 1.70%
car 1.33%
pin 1.33%
fork 1.09%
people 1.09%
每页显示:    共 138