21.   TorreBut last week the low-key manager of the New York Yankees delivered a stern lecture to his players.

22.   USA Today recounts a stern lecture campers got for smearing toothpaste on the handles of cabin doors.

23.   Pope John Paul II delivered a stern moral lecture Friday to the faithful in France, where his conservative stance on sexual matters has divided Roman Catholics.

24.   A policy of hoping people will be nicer to one another on pain of stern lectures and occasional desultory bombing is no policy at all.

25.   As U.S.-China relations slowly improve, Foreign Minister Qian Qichen on Friday gave the United States a stern lecture about avoiding further tensions over Taiwan.

26.   Bush coupled his statements with a stern lecture to members of Congress.

27.   Cosby probably would have sat Theo down for a stern lecture if he caught him taking drugs.

28.   He reportedly started each session with a stern lecture and later posed for photos with individual delegations and signed autographs.

29.   In the speech, Qian gave the United States a stern lecture about avoiding further tensions over Taiwan.

30.   Surrounded by the media types he loves to bash, Gov. Jesse Ventura mixed playful banter with a stern lecture to leaders of the broadcast news industry.

a. + lecture >>共 284
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large 2.56%
short 2.05%
first 1.88%
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annual 1.54%
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lucrative 1.19%
stern + n. >>共 320
warning 19.14%
action 7.71%
measure 3.61%
message 3.42%
lecture 3.22%
punishment 2.83%
test 2.73%
word 1.86%
look 1.76%
face 1.27%
每页显示:    共 33