21.   Fidelity already has taken steps to prevent future lawsuits of this type.

22.   Growing credit card delinquencies could mean that other banks will have to take steps to prevent early payments or preserve their high credit ratings.

23.   Grace Wheeler is meticulous about taking steps to prevent botulism when she cans vegetables from her East Greenbush, N.Y., garden.

24.   He said the company has taken administrative steps to prevent similar situations.

25.   However, justices also asked Grossman whether the Constitution is flexible enough to let police take extraordinary steps to prevent the scourge of gang violence.

26.   I am assuming that you and coach Tomassoni will take steps to prevent such lapses in the future.

27.   In it, the editors said that they had taken steps to prevent a recurrence without spelling them out.

28.   Israel insists that Arafat crush all Palestinian militant groups and take other steps to prevent violence before any substantive negotiations resume.

29.   It has closed the subsidiary and is taking steps to prevent a recurrence.

30.   It indicated that numerous precautionary steps in the future might prevent a similar calamity, but that skippers and crews were unable to pinpoint reasons for the disaster.

n. + prevent >>共 1376
police 4.55%
law 4.20%
rule 2.33%
step 2.29%
action 2.16%
weather 1.98%
authority 1.78%
government 1.54%
injury 1.50%
problem 1.17%
step + v. >>共 801
be 31.70%
improve 2.27%
protect 2.05%
include 1.86%
prevent 1.81%
ensure 1.80%
make 1.70%
reduce 1.42%
help 1.23%
forward 1.02%
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