21.   Interestingly enough, in a conversation with our baseball writer, T.R. Sullivan, he was a staunch defender of Rodriguez.

22.   Lott is a staunch defender of big contributors.

23.   Navarro was a staunch defender of the rights of ranchers who held Mexican land grants.

24.   Not surprisingly, Bernoff, of Forrester, is a staunch defender of publicizing statistics, particularly those that represent milestones.

25.   Ohio Sen. Robert A. Taft was the staunch defender of isolationism.

26.   Patrick is a staunch defender of his parents.

27.   Saddest of all, the cost of keeping a staunch defender of reproductive rights sitting in the White House just climbed out of my price range.

28.   Sen. Slade Gorton, R-Wash., a staunch defender of Microsoft, stepped into the debate.

29.   Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle, D-S.D., a staunch defender of ANWR, however, has effectively been stalling this rush to judgment.

30.   Staunch Pentagon defenders insist that Clinton is cutting too much too fast.

a. + defender >>共 641
central 8.73%
international 4.25%
veteran 3.77%
brazilian 3.54%
french 2.84%
key 2.19%
dutch 2.13%
former 2.00%
staunch 1.93%
italian 1.74%
staunch + n. >>共 132
supporter 18.09%
opponent 12.28%
ally 11.51%
conservative 7.24%
defender 6.58%
advocate 4.28%
opposition 4.17%
support 2.41%
anti-communist 2.19%
critic 1.64%
每页显示:    共 60