21.   Its stated aim is to expand progressively across the mainland to become a major supplier.

22.   Palme also plunged into the Israeli-Palestinian debate, with the stated aim of starting a dialogue.

23.   The rebels had in the past refused to attend an international conference unless its stated aim was independence.

24.   Given its stated aim of maintaining a sizeable pile of cash, analysts expect the company will look to shareholders to finance the deal, at least in part.

25.   He said the government should not abandon its stated aim of keeping Britain at the heart of Europe.

26.   As a stated aim of this CHOGM is to promote democracy, Strasser and Jammeh are not expected to attend.

27.   But it now considers the parties have failed in their stated aims of improving democracy in Turkey.

28.   The troops were sent across the border three years ago with the officially stated aim of wiping out Burundian Hutu rebels and their rear bases in the DRC.

29.   Their stated aim is to take power in Kabul and disarm all sides to impose strict Islamic law.

30.   US and British planes, based in southern Turkey, have since enforced a no-fly zone over northern Iraq with the stated aim of protecting the Kurds.

a. + aim >>共 291
main 11.39%
political 4.60%
ultimate 4.52%
primary 3.47%
stated 2.64%
key 2.34%
dead 1.89%
same 1.73%
high 1.73%
long-term 1.66%
stated + n. >>共 131
goal 19.77%
aim 6.85%
purpose 5.48%
objective 5.48%
reason 5.09%
policy 4.70%
intention 4.70%
position 2.54%
desire 2.15%
mission 1.76%
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