21.   Using police reports and court records, Yaeger and Benedict spell out in graphic detail the various beatings and assaults perpetrated by some NFL players on their victims.

22.   Water during hot, dry spells in summer.

23.   What parents seem to be doing instead, says Hoyem, is giving children more traditional or classic names, but spelling them in unusual ways.

24.   A cold spell in Moscow pushed temperatures down to the freezing mark and contributed to the deaths of three people, a news agency said Monday.

25.   All of the airplanes sold this week may become part of a pattern that spells trouble in the industry, analysts warn.

26.   Fixes spelling in lede.

27.   Mugemanyi, whose name was spelled differently in earlier reports, was described as a top commander of the Hutu insurgency.

28.   RETRANSMITTING to fix spelling in headline.

29.   Despite the unusual capitulation by the software leader, analysts say the move could spell trouble in the long term for Microsoft.

30.   They did not spell out in what way world human rights groups could intervene.

v. + in >>共 995
live 3.94%
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be 1.95%
kill 1.91%
work 1.82%
base 1.78%
use 1.69%
die 1.53%
stay 1.52%
spell 0%
spell + p. >>共 24
out 82.07%
in 4.19%
for 2.88%
of 1.83%
on 1.70%
to 1.44%
as 1.31%
at 1.05%
by 0.65%
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