21.   Another spectator said the move was a violation of human rights.

22.   Spectators said he was wearing a helmet.

n. + say >>共 480
official 17.88%
police 6.16%
analyst 4.36%
report 3.78%
source 3.33%
spokesman 3.05%
company 2.65%
expert 2.16%
authority 1.82%
government 1.60%
spectator 0%
spectator + v. >>共 309
be 10.32%
have 4.52%
say 2.55%
watch 2.09%
line 1.97%
throw 1.86%
begin 1.86%
run 1.74%
see 1.62%
get 1.39%
每页显示:    共 22