21.   However, the whey of milk contains proteins and lactose in the watery portion that has a fine soft texture for faster and easier digestion of nutrients.

a. + texture >>共 376
creamy 3.42%
different 2.69%
rich 2.59%
soft 2.17%
crunchy 1.86%
firm 1.76%
smooth 1.76%
rough 1.66%
chewy 1.55%
silky 1.55%
soft + n. >>共 1099
money 22.78%
tissue 2.10%
peak 2.08%
voice 1.89%
loan 1.39%
liner 1.13%
music 1.10%
cast 1.04%
light 0.98%
cheese 0.91%
texture 0.39%
每页显示:    共 21